Hospitality and catering

Producing Pastry Products

Duration: approximately 4 hours self-paced

This course will show you how to prepare pastry using a variety of different methods, how to cook and finish pastry products to an excellent standard. Validated by Occupational Awards Ltd.


Payment taken at next step


What will the course cover?

  • Define what is pastry
  • Describe what ingredients are used when making pastry
  • Identify the quality attributes of raw pastry dough
  • List the quality attributes of cooked pastry
  • Explain what tools and equipment are used when making pastry
  • Understand the importance of good hygiene practices when handling and producing pastry
  • Describe pastry preparation methods weighing, measuring, rolling, mixing, creaming, beating, whisking, folding, rubbing in and kneading
  • State how to prepare a tray or case for pastry
  • Recognise how to line a case with pastry correctly
  • Explain how to cook pastry correctly
  • List how to finish pastry products
  • Summarise the various healthy options for making pastry