Hospitality and catering

Producing Pre-mixed/Pre-made Dough and Traybake Dishes

Duration: approximately 4 hours self-paced

Understand how to prepare, handle, cook and serve various pre-mixed, pre-made dough and traybake products. Validated by Occupational Awards Ltd.


Payment taken at next step


What will the course cover?

  • Define what is a pre-mixed and pre-made dough and traybake product
  • Describe the advantages of pre-mixed and pre-made products
  • State how to check the quality of dough and traybakes
  • List pre-mixed products
  • Name pre-made products
  • Summarise the characteristics of danish pastries, croissants, sponges and traybakes
  • Identify equipment required to make dough and traybake products
  • Recognise how to make bread using a pre-mixed product
  • Summarise how to make pastry using a pre-mixed product
  • Define storage temperatures of chilled, frozen and hot cooked products
  • Describe characteristics of over cooked and undercooked products
  • State how to check products are cooked internally
  • Identify different finishing techniques for danish pastries, sponges and traybakes