Food manufacture

Complaint Handling and Product Withdrawal

Duration: approximately 3 hours self-paced

Become competent in complaint handling and product withdrawal/ recall in a food manufacture environment by completing this course. Validated by Occupational Awards Ltd.


Payment taken at next step


What will the course cover?

  • State the key qualities of a complaint handler
  • List the job roles of a complaint handler
  • Explain how the complaints department functions in a food factory
  • Identify the types of complaints received in a food factory
  • Describe the managing incidents and potential emergency situations procedure
  • Understand the product withdrawal and recall procedure
  • Explain the function of the product withdrawal and recall procedure
  • Identify the steps in a root cause analysis
  • Summarise the purpose of a root cause analysis
  • Describe the role of traceability during a product withdrawal and recall
  • Identify key people to be notified when a product is withdrawn or recalled
  • Recognise the different financial implications of product withdrawal and recall on a food factory