Hospitality and catering

Manual Handling in Hospitality and Catering

Duration: approximately 4 hours self-paced

This course is appropriate for everyone in the food industry. Ensuring you work safely reducing any risks, understanding correct techniques and practices to follow. Validated by Occupational Awards Ltd.


Payment taken at next step


What will the course cover?

  • Define manual handling
  • Describe the employers manual handling duties
  • Identify the employees manual handling responsibilities
  • State what information manual handling training should contain
  • Classify the different injuries which can occur by manual handling accidents and incidents
  • Recognise risk factors when manual handling
  • State the purpose of a risk assessment
  • List the five basic steps of a risk assessment
  • Summarise the solutions to avoiding manual handling
  • Explain the six problems to look for when performing an assessment and how to reduce the risks
  • Define the purpose of using mechanical aids and how to use them safely
  • List different types of mechanical aids
  • Describe the different weights which can be lifted at different heights safely
  • Explain the correct manual handling technique that should be followed
  • Recognise hazards to be aware of when manual handling