Hospitality and catering

Producing Hot and Cold Desserts

Duration: approximately 5 hours self-paced

Increase your knowledge and experience of producing hot and cold desserts with this course. Validated by Occupational Awards Ltd.


Payment taken at next step


What will the course cover?

  • Describe the tools and equipment required for making hot and cold desserts
  • Understand the relevant food safety requirements
  • Explain the different methods and skills used in making hot and cold desserts
  • Summarise the importance of following dessert recipes
  • Identify various types of cold desserts
  • Recognise how to store cold desserts safely
  • Describe the different types of hot desserts
  • Explain how to finish and decorate desserts
  • State the importance of ingredient identification of allergens
  • Outline how to produce healthier options for desserts