Hospitality and catering

Producing Poultry Products

Duration: approximately 4 hours self-paced

Understand how to safely prepare, handle, cook, store and serve poultry dishes in a safe manner. Validated by Occupational Awards Ltd


Payment taken at next step


What will the course cover?

  • Identify what quality checks are performed on poultry
  • Understand the importance of checking deliveries of poultry
  • State how to dispose of bad quality poultry
  • List the different tools and equipment used to handle poultry
  • Describe how to prevent cross contamination when handling poultry
  • Recognise the importance of hand washing
  • Explain how to cook poultry using grilling, roasting, poaching, frying, steaming and stewing
  • Summarise how to correct a stew which is too thick or thin
  • Understand the correct temperature control of poultry
  • Describe how to garnish and add an accompaniment to poultry dishes
  • Explain how to produce healthy poultry dishes