Hospitality and catering

Producing Rice, Pulse and Grain Dishes

Duration: approximately 4 hours self-paced

Become skilled in producing rice, pulse and grain dishes by completing this course. Validated by Occupational Awards Ltd.


Payment taken at next step


What will the course cover?

  • List the different types of rice’s
  • Identify different pulses and grains
  • Summarise quality checks to be performed
  • State how to store dried ingredients safely
  • Recognise the tools and equipment which should be used when producing rice, pulse and grain dishes
  • Understand how to work safely and hygienically
  • Describe how to boil, braise and steam rice, pulse and grain dishes
  • Explain how to deep fry, stew, bake and stir fry rice, pulse and grain dishes
  • Outline the importance of washing and soaking ingredients before and after cooking
  • Identify the quality attributes of cooked rice, grains and pulses
  • State how to cool cooked rice, grain and pulse dishes safely
  • Describe how to make rice, grain and pulse dishes healthier